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The Red Line. (War in Ukraine. Part - 4)


Putin calls President Biden and says, “Dear Joe, You know that I have these thousands of nuclear war heads. Please return Alaska to me and also give me Texas, North Carolina, etc.” What will then Pres Biden do? Hand them over?”
While participating in an US TV Show on International Politics and War in Ukraine few weeks back. The above point was raised by the moderator Sasha Starr, which I found very interesting.
We all know that the west is petrified of Russian nuclear arms. I wonder what would President Biden or any West European leader do when such a phone call comes?

Now coming back to Ukraine, where is the red line for NATO? 

Logically speaking it might be one or more of these reasons.

  • Invasion of Odessa and Black Sea Blockade, causing full economic disruption
  • Mass migration out of Africa and Asia, caused by weaponization of food by Putin 
  • Putin uses tactical nuke on Polish border location or Ukraine’s western border
  • Putin invades a NATO member

As we all can imagine the consequences of each of the above steps.

In conclusion, an old friend and former PM of a western nation told me that NATO should go in now and kick Putin out of Ukraine. It does not require an UN approval to do so (which honestly speaking it will never get due to Russian veto) or arm Ukraine so well that they themselves can do the job.
Unfortunately the Political leaders of most of the present NATO member countries live in the fantasy land that they do not want to provoke or start a war with Russia. It is time that they should read the Russia media and come down to real world.

Whether west wants it or not, Putin has declared war on the west.

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