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Artisanal process to transform textile and leather goods.

Best regards. 

We are a Colombian Research and Development Startup, based on the Circular Economy.

 We have developed an artisanal process to convert textile and leather goods waste left over from cutting into new products such as shoes, tennis shoes, clothing, bags, furniture, appliqués, or accessories through low-cost technologies and using manual processes without seams and using glues. 

We convert leather, textile, synthetic, canvas, EVA foam and vinyl waste into new products. 

The project is in prototype phase.

For more information, please visit the following links:

This artisanal process is designed to contribute to the generation of alternative and quality employment for vulnerable populations and is aimed at mothers who are heads of households to work from home.

We propose that with your cooperation and our support we can implement these projects with open-source processes to reach communities and disadvantaged people.

We put at your disposal our research and developments so that under your protection and control you can manage them.
In exchange we request the monetary participation that you stipulate for this type of business.
We accept payments for purchase, licensing, results, bonuses for success, royalties or donations.

With our solutions and with your collaboration and support we will generate alternative and quality employment.

In the following links we briefly show the processes we have mentioned:

Process of gluing with Denim scraps (Designs by Emilia Gutierrez):

Cap and bag made from textile waste.

You can see more of our developments on our YouTube channel - Reconversión Circular.

Any questions, more information or if you want to know about a particular development, I will be glad to help you.

Thank you very much for your attention.



Carlos Julio Silva Garcia.


Mobile. +57 315 471 95 37.

Pereira - Colombia.

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