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Traitor Trump?


Yesterday was an unprecedented day in the history of Liberal democracies. The President of the most powerful democracy in the world incited his followers to commit insurrection and lay siege to the Parliament. This act will have far-reaching consequences. This will be debated and discussed by many and to make matters worse, this may be the beginning of a new trend.

image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=199&dpx=1&t=1610016020I am afraid that going forward, Republicans will try to whitewash (even with using misinformation) and forget the whole incident as quickly as they can. Media giants like Rupert Murdoch have still to learn that the consequences of playing dangerous games for monetary gains, usually take unanticipated turns and never ends well for anyone. The right way to solve this is to bring to justice all those who are directly and indirectly responsible, including the sitting President who initiated it. They should be held responsible for their words and actions and made to pay for all material and immaterial damages. A good place to start is laying claim on Trump’s US$ 200 Million plus Save America PAC Fund.

This event should not be seen as one limited to only the west of the Atlantic. Europe will do better not to sit on its laurels. This event could have as easily, happened here in a country like Germany.

In conclusion, I think that the main lessons to be learned from yesterday are:

When senior politicians or established parties, flirt with demagogues, appease his fantasies and sometimes even accept him as a leader, in return for power. The usual consequence is that in long term, they themselves get burned. History has more than enough examples of this and as the quote goes “Snakes in your backyard won't bite only neighbors”.

image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=200&dpx=1&t=1610016020The political elites of democracies should not alienate themselves from large sections of the societies. They should listen and address the issues of their citizens, however far-fetched they may seem. Otherwise, events like yesterday or developments of parties like AfD in Europe prove that unaddressed issues can lead to severe disenchantment which is deadly for Democracy.

Social tensions are fueled by Inequality in the action of authorities. There was a stark difference between image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=198&dpx=1&t=1610016020how the Law Enforcers acted yesterday against Trump supporters and those in Washington on 2nd June 2020 against the black protesters after the death of George Floyd. This is another feather in the cap of the Republicans from Trump's legacy. The only way to correct it is to make Trump and his supporters face the same consequences as any other.

This is once again a warning and prelude of what is yet to come if our present leaders do not learn and amend their ways.

Ben Banerjee, 7.01.2021

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